Monday, May 18, 2020


Progress is all about consistency and effort. It doesn't mean that you will always accomplish what you set out to do. It may even mean changing direction or taking a step back. But, with consistency and effort every step you take, every move you make, every word you write, note you sing or stroke you paint will bring you closer to your goal--then end product. No matter how small, every little bit counts and is considered progress. Stay safe.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

I have been asked to describe what the "writing process" is like. And while I could probably write a dissertation about what the writing process is like for me, I won't go that far5 because I have come to understand that the writing process is different and unique for every individual. Some writers come up with titles when they come up with ideas. Other writers almost never come up with titles and need assistance in finding one. Some writers write free hand from beginning to end, others may need a typewriter, while others may use a Dictaphone for their assistants to type. Some writers write the ending first and then work backwards from there. Through my metamorphosis, I've been through the gamut. I started by writing long-hand, graduated to an old Brother typewriter and eventually moved to a desktop. I wrote about a third of "Mine!" on a laptop but I much more prefer a desktop. I'm at home at a desktop. Like many writers, I attach titles to my stories upon conception. Sometimes they change but that is rare. I also come up with a fairly complete synopsis that I jot down on my list of ideas. That way I can always conceptualize the entire story from beginning to end--almost at a moment's notice. I've been blessed with the ability to "know" my stories. It's as if I 'forsee' them and then I simply document what I'm "seeing". While I have an overall idea what each of my stories entail, when I actually begin the writing process, I make notes and descriptions of all the major characters and then I write an outline with each point representing a chapter. As I write the story, I make sure that I stay very closely to the outline, covering only the points that I have detailed so I don't get ahead of myself which I have occasion to do. As for everything else in each chapter, especially character development and the introduction of new and secondary characters, that happens naturally as the story begins to define its own identity. It's a very fluid process. Sometimes it takes correction, sometimes things change direction--and that's all right as long as the bullet points for each chapter are fulfilled. It's what makes the process magical.

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Prayerfully, everyone is being careful and safe during these interesting yet trying times. Unfortunately, I have lost people very dear to me as a result of this virus and have yet others even closer who are affected. I'm earnest in trying to make the best out of this challenging situation. I am not writing as much as I'd like, working from home appears to be more exhausting than when I went into the office and the field. But, it is important that I keep my focus and still try to be productive when I can. For example, my new website is now live, AUTHORSEROBINSON.COM. I'm hoping everyone gets a chance to stop by and see what's happening over there. It provides quick links to my published works and a little bit of insight into me. We don't know how much longer this crisis will last, but please be comforted in knowing that this, too, shall pass. We simply must be diligent in dong our parts. Stay safe, be careful, take care of one another.