Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Short stories fever....

The first volume of Glints of Fascination has been released to a little fanfare. There have been a few people who have expressed eagerness for my next work and have welcomed this collection of my earliest short stories with anticipation. It's taken entirely too long to pull it together. It took a long time to find some of these and unfortunately, it appears that some of my work may be lost forever, but I am grateful for what I was able to find. For everyone who chooses to escape for while, these stories are for you. Please pick up a copy and enjoy. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0838PCCDF/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i1

Monday, January 27, 2020

There is always something to do!!!!

No matter how down I get, how distracted I become, how discouraged I may feel. Coming into the office, even if it's not to write, I can always find something to do that is productive. Something that will pass the time and keep me on track. No matter how little I do, every little bit gets me closer to my goal. And there is ALWAYS something to do!!!

Monday, January 20, 2020

Keep it Pushing.....

There will be challenges. There will be obstacles. There will be naysayers and saboteurs. There will be those who don't believe. There will be those who actively seek your failure. There will be those who will never support you, no matter what you say or do. But, don't be discouraged. Don't let up or get down. Believe in yourself and let everything else fall into place. Keep on pushing.

It's an Endless Pursuit...

In putting "Glints of Fascination, Vol I" together, a collection of my earliest short stories, I was able to learn a few things about myself and my work. First of all, I could easily follow my progression as a writer. Not only in content and character development but in writing style and merely writing competency, if you would. It was revealing to read some of my earliest work. Yes, those stories still have a certain charm, which is why I decided on the project--that along with a little pressure from family and friends. But, it was revealing in illuminating how far I've come as a writer and, in some ways, an indication of how far I have yet to go. Honing one's talents and/or skills is a endless pursuit. While you can master your craft, there is always room for improvement, there is always room for growth. There is always more to learn. I know that I am no where near where I want to be as a writer. I also understand that I may never get to where I believe I should be. But, as long as I keep pushing. As long as I can stay focused and persevere, I will keep striving toward that place I want to be. It's not the destination that's important, but the journey. And thus far, this has been one amazing ride.

Monday, January 6, 2020

'Tis a Blessing...

It is such a blessing to be able to do what I love on a daily basis. No, not every day is as productive as I would like. No, I am nowhere near where I'd like to be as an author. But, to be able to do what I love, day in and day out, is truly a blessing indeed. A good friend told me a long time ago, that so long as I can accomplish something on a daily basis, ANYTHING, on a daily basis--no matter how big or how small, I could consider it a productive day. I took that and applied it to not only my writing but to all of my daily life. Every little bit that I do brings me closer to where I want to be. That in itself is empowering. Tread on friends!!!

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Cross your fingers!!!

I don't want to get ahead of myself but I may, very well, have some very exciting news to announce within the next couple of weeks. Nothing earth shattering or monumental mind you, but exciting enough to merit mentioning. I should know with some certainty within the next couple of weeks and as such, I will keep you all posted!!!

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

It's a brand new decade, a brand new year!

I want to wish everyone peace, prosperity and productivity in 2020. The world is your oyster if you take the time to claim whatever it is that your heart desires. I sincerely expect to be very busy this year. There was a lot that took place in 2019, so I was unable to be as productive to be as truly hoped to be. I did manage to write two manuscripts and finally gather some of my shorts stories to create "Glints of Fascination". But, I was unable to get the novels published in 2019. However, excitedly, I expect 2020 to be a very productive year. I've these two novels already in the cue to be published, I'm working on a book of novellas and I finally hope to get started on the sequel to "MINE!" So, hang in there, more is coming! So much more to do! I sincerely hope that I can ask my friends to join me as I continue along this journey. There may be several unexpected stops along the way but the view should be wonderful.