Monday, January 20, 2020

It's an Endless Pursuit...

In putting "Glints of Fascination, Vol I" together, a collection of my earliest short stories, I was able to learn a few things about myself and my work. First of all, I could easily follow my progression as a writer. Not only in content and character development but in writing style and merely writing competency, if you would. It was revealing to read some of my earliest work. Yes, those stories still have a certain charm, which is why I decided on the project--that along with a little pressure from family and friends. But, it was revealing in illuminating how far I've come as a writer and, in some ways, an indication of how far I have yet to go. Honing one's talents and/or skills is a endless pursuit. While you can master your craft, there is always room for improvement, there is always room for growth. There is always more to learn. I know that I am no where near where I want to be as a writer. I also understand that I may never get to where I believe I should be. But, as long as I keep pushing. As long as I can stay focused and persevere, I will keep striving toward that place I want to be. It's not the destination that's important, but the journey. And thus far, this has been one amazing ride.

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